There are a lot of mobile instant messenger applications in the market. Out of them, Nimbuzz is one application that we personally use in our devices. Nimbuzz mobile supports a variety of IM services, including Google Talk, Yahoo Messenger, AIM, Orkut, Facebook, Windows Live, MobileMe, MySpace and Hyves. The advantage of Nimbuzz mobile is the if we can keep ourselves online all the time without installing separate IM applications for each service. Thereby we can reduce the memory footprint and data requirements in our mobile device. Nimbuzz is also a mobile VOIP application that let you make free calls to your Nimbuzz buddies and cheap international land line and mobile calls.
Nimbuzz Mobile instant messenger

Nimbuzz messenger is available for multiple mobile operating systems, Windows and the Web. Nimbuzz currently supports Apple iOS( iPhone and iPod Touch), Android, Symbian. BlackBerry and Java based handsets. HTC, Nokia, LG and Samsung smartphones using these operating systems have full support for Nimbuzz mobile client. The Windows mobile version of the app was discontinued on June 2010, but you may get the download link from the internet.
After installation Nimbuzz will ask you to create a free account. Open a new account and move to the settings, then Accounts. Here you can configure instant messenger and social networking services.
Download Nimbuzz Mobile
Nimbuzz for iPhone 3G, 3G S, iPhone 4, iPod Touch download here.
Nimbuzz Mobile for Nokia Symbian download here.
Nimbuzz Mobile for BlackBerry download here.
Download Nimbuzz mobile for Android using the following QR code.
As an another option, users can download Nimbuzz messenger directly from their mobile device by going to
The support for Skype and Skype credit were removed in the latest version of Nimbuzz due to some issues with Skype Ltd. Still if you want you can make calls using the Nimbuzz out credits available for purchase at their official website. Nimbuzz also supports third party VOIP/SIP accounts for voice calls. You can configure them in the settings section.
Anonymous says
Download Nimbuzz mobile instant messenger
Lil Princess says
I think what you would be interested is the multiple connection Instant Messenger. I have this to share with all readers that I had just found this Friendplay Instant Messenger that comes with MSN, AIM, YM and GTalk connectivity. Try download it from , and intall it into your phone and stay connected with everyone….. ENJOY…..
sudhan................ says
but the site is not opening.its taking too much time
sudhan................ says
its very slow in opening.any suggestion how to fast it
Anonymous says
how to setup mobail phone call send my id (
don says
hey. . . . .buddy. . itz not working on n70 when i run this it says unknown format
Nik says
Hi, I stay in U.A.E., here nibuzz site is blocked so how can i download nimbuzz instant messanger?
ismael says
Rifnas says
I want call button k850i mobile
sarah says
ahmad says
I need nimbuzz for my Nokia N95,though it downloads but online certificate checking creat problem i.e cuases cancelling of downloading
KS says
I guess it is also same for N95, I have E90, It works for me.
Disable software installation from “signed only” to “all” and online certificate check “off”. u can find settings under App. manager. Enjoy !
homayoon says
smiit9922 says
sheryl says
when downloading this nimbuzz, does it need that my password for yahoo messenger, skype and facebook will be the same?
Darshit says
Hey guys….my cellphone is nokia 7210 supernova but whenever i installed nimbuzz it does not open from my cellphone and error msg comes as Session Timed Out..
Any Suggestion will be too admirable
paulo feijo filho says
Eu gostaria muito de estalar este programa no meu celular Nokia C3 00, este é o meu sonho se for atedido fico muito grato.
gigi says
The newly launched Fonwar IM is so RAD! It support various platforms, from the iPhone to Andriods and even the Blackberry! You can get it at for free. What’s more, points in the form of MGold$ can be accumulated to send free SMSes. Now that’s cool!
ali says
ali says
i live in england
arash says
hi i need nimbuzz for my nokia n95
armitalovesh says
i want new versian from nimbuzz for my samsung mobile
my name is my ID